DPF indicator, Dxxx engine

The DPF indicator lets view information on DPF regeneration and the soot mass in the filter itself. A regeneration is signaled visually by a LED blinking scale and acoustically by a sound signal. For diesel car from either VW, Skoda, Audi or Seat, engine beginning with D.
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Pán Tomáš mi ponúkol, že v prípade, že indikátor nebude môcť prečítať údaje z motora, bez problémov vráti peniaze alebo pomôže s prekódovaním. Komunikácia 10/10 Dodanie 10/10 Kvalitu výrobku posúdim zhruba po mesiaci.
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The DPF indicator lets view information on DPF regeneration and the soot mass in the filter itself. A regeneration is signaled visually by a LED blinking scale and acoustically by a sound signal.

For diesel car from either VW, Skoda, Audi or Seat - engine beginning with D letter.

It works independently, there is no need to install or connect anything. Just plug it into the OBD II connector in the cabin.

- the device for signaling the filling of the DPF filter and warning of regeneration while driving
- for diesel Common rail engines (beginning with D letter, for example DFCA, DFEA and similar, full list is bellow)
- visually signaling of filling
- a regeneration is signaled visually by a LED blinking scale and acoustically by a sound signal
- shows measured/calculated fill (whichever is higher)

User manual in PDF (CZ/SK, EN, DE, PL, HU): 

For correct operation, it is necessary to verify the type (code) of your engine. It is listed in a technical certificate, service book or also a label on the vehicle. It usually contains 3-4 letters (but sometimes more, for example: ACDEUAXO, in that case the type (code) after prefix AC is DEUA). If you do not know what to do, contact us and we will advise you.

Supported models (x character to represent any letter, examples in brackets):
DAUx (DAU, DAUA, ...) - NEW!!
DBGx (DBG, DBGC, ...)
DCXx (DCX, ...)
DDYx (DDY, DDYA, ...) - NEW!!
DEHx (DEH, DEHA, ...)
DEU, (DEU, DEUA, ...)
DFCx (DFC, DFCA, ...)
DFEx (DFE, DFEA, ...)
DFFx (DFF, DFFA, ...)
DFGx (DFG, DFGA, ...)
DFHx (DFH, DFHA, ...)
DFLx (DFL, DFLA, ...)
DFMx (DFM, ...)
DGTx (DGT, DGTE, ...)
DJGx (DJG, DJGA, ...)
DLTx (DLT, DLTA, ...)
DLUx (DLU, DLUB, ...)
DNAx (DNA, DNAA, ...)
DTPx (DTP, DTPA, ...) - NEW!!
DTTx (DTT, DTTA, DTTC, ...) - NEW!!
DTUx (DTU, DTUA, ...) - NEW!!
CDCx (CDC, CDCA, ...)
CGQx (CGQ, CGQB, ...)
CHCx (CHC, CHCF, ...)
CNHx (CNH, CNHA, ...)
CRCx (CRC, CRCA, ...)
CRKx (CRK, CRKB, ...)
CRMx (CRM, CRMB, ...)
CRTx (CRT, CRTD, ...)
CRUx (CRU, CRUA, ...)
CSUx (CSU, CSUD, ...)
CUAx (CUA, CUAA, ...)
CUSx (CUS, CUSA, CUSB, ...) - NEW!!
CUTx (CUT, CUTA, ...) - NEW!!
CXEx (CXE, CXEB, ...)
CXFx (CXF, CXFA, ...) - NEW!!
CXGx (CXG, CXGA, ...)
CXHx (CXH, CXHA, ...) - NEW!!
CXMx (CXM, CXMA, ...) - NEW!!
CXXx (CXX, CXXA, CXXB, ...) - NEW!!

If your engine is not in these lists, ask using the contact form or email. We are trying to expand the range of engines.

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Pracuje dobře tak jak má
Funguje dobře
Všetko ok
Pán Tomáš mi ponúkol, že v prípade, že indikátor nebude môcť prečítať údaje z motora, bez problémov vráti peniaze alebo pomôže s prekódovaním. Komunikácia 10/10 Dodanie 10/10 Kvalitu výrobku posúdim zhruba po mesiaci.
vsetko ok len diody by mohli byt z boku
Výhoda že vím kdy vypaluje a mohu tomu upravit jízdu.
dobře utracené peníze
Pracuje tak ako má. Som spokojný
Jednoduchá inštalácia
Indikátor funguje ako má
Zatiaľ neviem
super, viem presne kedy sa filter vypaluje
desing ako z palubky auta z 80-tych rokov
Dodané zboží dělá přesně to co má. Absolutní spokojenost
Funguje jak má